Sunday, February 18, 2007

SP tent at the diversity festival

Verum Vacira, who is coordinating the Diversity Festival 2007, has kindly offered SL-SPAG a tent in the exhibition area. I've set up a few things from the noticeboard. Landmark givers, link to this blog, free t-shirts etc.

Above: In the non-profit section with Verum.

Below: Trying out the sofa in the tent. I'll aim to hang around there as much as I can.

If you can help staff the tent sometime to talk to people about SP, please send me an IM in world.

You can go direct to the tent by clicking this SL-URL:

Or go to the SP amphitheatre (link to the left of this blog)) By the noticeboard is a big banner with Diversity 2007 on it and a box with a link to the festival complex and a notecard. Go to the festival complex and use the teleporter to go to the NP (Non-Profit) section.

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