Wednesday, February 28, 2007

SP climate change meeting

Simpol-UK, coordinator of the Simultaneous Policy (SP) campaign in the UK, held a policy forum on climate change at the UK House of Parliament on 28 February.

We weren't able to broadcast this live as we had hoped due to Parliament's rules. So we are planning to broadcast the recording with a live question and answer session. I am thinking of 1 pm PST on Sunday 11 March. Would you come then? This could make it part of the Diversity Festival. IM Luzo Orbit if you have a preference for date and time.

Speakers were:

Aubrey Meyer, Global Commons Institute. This has developed a science-based proposal for saving the planet for human life, know as 'contraction and convergence'. Simply put, we need to contract our carbon emissions and converge as nations, so there is global justice in how we use our common ecosystem.

John Stewart of Stop Airport Expansion, spoke on the need for a coordinated policy on air travel, which is growing to become a major source of carbon emissions.

John Bunzl, Director of the International SP Organisation, picked up on the need for simultaneous action by countries around the world and explained how SP is working to make this happen.

The Member of Parliament who hosted the event, Martin Horwood, spoke very strongly in support of SP. He has signed the pledge to implement SP alongside other governments. A growing number of politicians are doing so.

If you wish to help the campaign, contact your elected representatives and call on them to sign the pledge. Also sign up as an Adopter in RL to vote on policy suggestions and put forward your own. See:

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